0 to 21Km in 7 Weeks

“Made It!

Having not run since high school, 7 weeks of training led to a sub-2 hour half marathon. Thank you coach Vas!“



Mother of three rediscovers her fitness

“Vasant’s kind nature, knowledge & approach has enabled me to achieve my exercise goals, e.g. running the Auckland Half (Marathon) when I had never run before. Vasant has the biggest genuine smile you will come across & a heart to match. He is generous & basically a great friend that really cares.“



A Physical Discovery

“After years of making myself fat and being a couch potato, I decided to do something about... The best decision was to get an amazing trainer Vasant… I decided to go for his self guided (actually I had more guidance :)) 12 week transformation challenge. I was anticipating some diet plan where I was going to starve. Interestingly the diet actually increased my taste buds and also I should add I didn’t spend much money on this diet… Vas made sure to check up on me every week… Achievements: - Hip size down 4”; - Weight down by 8.2Kgs; - Running speed increased from 7:40min/km to 6:10min/km… I learnt what clean eating is also called “Don’t kill yourself to lose weight"… I’m more than happy about my progress and after a long time I have something to be proud of. Thank you very much Vas for your guidance and patience… I highly recommend Vas’ programmes to anyone.”



Working Mum Regains Strength & Fitness

“I started training with Vas after an extended break from regular exercise following the birth of my children. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the results from just my first 6 weeks. I feel stronger with greater energy & it’s really kick started me back on the road to fitness. The programme has plenty of variety whilst being targeted to my specific needs & goals Roll on the next 6 weeks!.”